Welcome to the OpenMPT Issue Tracker. Here, you can report bugs you have found in OpenMPT / libopenmpt or suggest new features.
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- To obtain current test builds, visit the buildbot page.
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if you have any questions concerning OpenMPT, or if you feel that a feature request might require some further discussion.
Security issues in libopenmpt can be reported as a private issue right here or via securityopenmptorg. Do not use this address for any other requests!
0001855 |
Better multi-port MIDI existed than 2port [All Projects] Feature Request - 2025-01-10 01:18 |
0001844 |
TLS failure when downloading OpenMPT (was: [All Projects] General - 2025-01-02 09:48 |
0001226 |
Separate color option for empty space dots (... .. .....) vs. ^^, SDx, etc [All Projects] Feature Request - 2025-01-01 20:57 |
0000501 |
live audio recording to sample [All Projects] Feature Request - 2024-12-23 16:38 |
0001849 |
Hex instrument numbers [All Projects] Feature Request - 2024-12-22 11:49 |
0001847 |
sample recording from audio input [All Projects] Feature Request - 2024-12-18 12:39 |
0001586 |
Skinning and/or Dark Mode [All Projects] Feature Request - 2024-12-11 20:23 |
0001160 |
Allow MIDI macros of any length [All Projects] Plugins / VST - 2024-12-04 17:25 |
0001814 |
Find a way to merge GetLength logic with normal playback logic [All Projects] Playback Compatibility - 2024-12-01 00:40 |
0001564 |
randomization of effects/velocity [All Projects] Feature Request - 2024-11-30 01:39 |