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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001855OpenMPTFeature Requestpublic2025-01-10 01:18
Reporterstgiga Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformx64OSWindowsOS Version11
Product VersionOpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.7.13 (current stable) 
Summary0001855: Better multi-port MIDI existed than 2port

The Yamaha MU2000(EX) and other late Yamaha XG devices were notable for supporting 64 MIDI channels via four MIDI input ports, as could the Roland SC-8850 (the SC-8820 and SC-D70 were 2-port however, and the latter's 2port mode required MIDI to be sent over USB). The Japanese MIDI player TMIDI on Windows was able to address 6 MIDI output ports, which I assume would be like hooking an SC-D70 and an 8850 to the same thing, and that of course means 96 MIDI channels. Of course, I don't think anyone ever did THAT, but 4port was done on Roland and Yamaha's later devices (SC-8850 and the MU2000/EX). The MU2000(EX) also had Korg stuff via add-on cards, so some very late Korg devices may potentially have listened to Yamaha on the 4port issue.

Basically, 2port at 32 MIDI channels was NOT the highest hardware MIDI synths went to.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-10 01:18 stgiga New Issue