View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0001270 | OpenMPT | Plugins / VST | public | 2019-10-11 14:56 | 2025-03-23 16:22 |
Reporter | Saga Musix | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | acknowledged | Resolution | open | ||
Product Version | OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.4.7 (upgrade first) | ||||
Target Version | OpenMPT 1.33 / libopenmpt 0.9 (goals) | ||||
Summary | 0001270: Provide a workaround for bridged plugin GUIs in Wine | ||||
Description | Bridged plugin GUIs currently don't work in Wine ( As there seems to be no movement from Wine's side on fixing this, we should consider adding a workaround in OpenMPT, e.g. by really putting the bridged plugin GUI in its own top-level window. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Has the bug occurred in previous versions? | |||||
Tested code revision (in case you know it) | |||||
has duplicate | 0001554 | closed | Some VST Plugins are not displayed properly on Wine (Linux) | |
related to | 0001281 | closed | Cannot change preset bank in Synth1 | |
related to | 0001328 | assigned | Saga Musix | Popup menus in JUCE-based plugins are broken in plugin bridge |
@Exhale looks like we already have that issue, I was not able to find it originally From :
An OpenMPT version for Linux currently does not exist. What some people are doing, is packaging the official OpenMPT Windows version as packages for some Linux distribution. This version runs via Wine. Using 32bit plugins in 64bit OpenMPT implies that they run bridged. The issue with the GUI you are seeing is a long-term known issue (this one) for which have not yet implemented a work-around. |
ok, thank you, sorry for posting on the other one, I didnt think it needed its own one since I thought it wasnt something that anyone here cared enough about. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2019-10-11 14:56 | Saga Musix | New Issue | |
2019-11-08 09:03 | StarWolf3000 | Relationship added | related to 0001281 |
2020-05-24 13:30 | Saga Musix | Relationship added | related to 0001328 |
2022-01-27 21:02 | Saga Musix | Relationship added | has duplicate 0001554 |
2022-12-09 12:28 | manx | Note Added: 0005416 | |
2022-12-09 12:34 | manx | Status | new => acknowledged |
2022-12-09 12:34 | manx | Target Version | => OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.7.0 (upgrade first) |
2022-12-09 19:09 | Exhale | Note Added: 0005417 | |
2023-04-16 09:58 | Saga Musix | Target Version | OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.7.0 (upgrade first) => OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.8.0 (upcoming stable) |
2025-03-23 16:22 | Saga Musix | Target Version | OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.8.0 (upcoming stable) => OpenMPT 1.33 / libopenmpt 0.9 (goals) |