View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000539OpenMPTPlugins / VSTpublic2015-10-21 23:29
ReporterSeventhSentinel Assigned ToSaga Musix  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx64OSWindowsOS Version7
Product VersionOpenMPT (upgrade first) 
Target VersionOpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.2-beta15 (upgrade first)Fixed in VersionOpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.2-beta15 (upgrade first) 
Summary0000539: Plugin Bridge does not handle file selection dialogs

VOPM, the Sega Genesis soundchip emulation VST, is useless in the latest version. You can mess with the dials and stuff but hitting Import or Export (which are vital) makes everything in the plugin disappear.

TagsNo tags attached.
Has the bug occurred in previous versions?No
Tested code revision (in case you know it)


Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2014-06-01 19:38

administrator   ~0001691

VOPM uses the file selection dialogs provided by the host, and the plugin bridge is not capable of this feature right now. <b>Keep using the 32-bit version of OpenMPT if you want to use 32-bit plugins</b>, as said on the donwload page.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2015-10-21 23:29

administrator   ~0002165

r5686 implements file dialogs for the plugin bridge, which are required for VOPM.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-06-01 02:57 SeventhSentinel New Issue
2014-06-01 19:38 Saga Musix Note Added: 0001691
2014-06-17 14:56 Saga Musix Summary breaks VOPM => Plugin Bridge does not handle file selection dialogs
2015-10-21 23:29 Saga Musix Note Added: 0002165
2015-10-21 23:29 Saga Musix Assigned To => Saga Musix
2015-10-21 23:29 Saga Musix Status new => resolved
2015-10-21 23:29 Saga Musix Resolution open => fixed
2015-10-21 23:29 Saga Musix Fixed in Version => OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.2-beta15 (upgrade first)
2015-10-21 23:29 Saga Musix Target Version => OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.2-beta15 (upgrade first)
2016-11-20 17:48 Saga Musix Category VST => Plugins (VST)
2016-11-20 17:48 Saga Musix Category Plugins (VST) => Plugins / VST