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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000232OpenMPTGeneralpublic2012-06-25 12:31
Reporterzebra Assigned ToSaga Musix  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS Version7
Product VersionOpenMPT (upgrade first) 
Target VersionOpenMPT (upgrade first)Fixed in VersionOpenMPT (upgrade first) 
Summary0000232: OpenMPT Crashes When Editing Large Samples

I find OpenMPT often crashes when I'm working with larger samples.

I like to render around 10 mins of effected audio and then cut it up into pieces, loop, add fades, etc. in Modplug. However since the 18.xx updates I've been having Modplug crash on me regularly when going through this process.

Normally crashes occur when cutting and pasting from these larger wavs. I can get around this by saving after every copy and paste, but that starts to get fairly time consuming when the .it file is larger than 100 megabytes.

I suppose I could switch to a 'real' audio editor, but I like the streamlined design and speed of the sample editor in Modplug. You guys did a good job ;)

Steps To Reproduce

-Open a large wav file (around 100 megs should do the trick)
-Start cutting chunks out of it and pasting them in new samples
-Cut chunks out of the chunks and paste them in new samples, too
-After doing this a few times OpenMPT will pause for a moment, then crash

Additional Information

Sometimes it takes many copy and pastes, sometimes only a couple will do it.
I've tested it in both .it and .mptm formats with the same results.
I think this problem started with the introduction of the 18.xx versions.
This problem also came up when I was using x64 Windows Vista

TagsNo tags attached.
Has the bug occurred in previous versions?
Tested code revision (in case you know it)


has duplicate 0000266 closed increase volume in large samples (4+ minutes) crashes program 


Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-03-08 01:50

administrator   ~0000637

Last edited: 2012-03-25 12:32

You can try adding the following lines at the bottom of your mptrack.ini config:

[Sample Editor]

where 200 is the total amount of memory that the undo feature is allowed to consume, in megabytes. If that doesn't help, memory consumption is probably not the reason for this crash but maybe something dodgy in the undo handler. If the crashes don't happen anymore with that setting, please also try a larger setting - try doubling it until it crashes again.



2012-03-25 03:17

reporter   ~0000675

I have experiencig this bug in the past with large samples. I will try your suggestion, but this is possible even if you have 4GB of RAM?

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-03-25 12:27

administrator   ~0000676

I actually had a very hard time reproducing this bug with 4 GiB of RAM - I first had to increase UndoBufferSize to 4096 (by default it's 1024 if you have 4 GiB installed), create many large samples and copy / paste them a few dozen times; i.e. I have only been to reproduce it under very artificial conditions. If I hadn't set the UndoBufferSize so high, the undo buffer would have stayed at 1 GiB all the time and nothing would have happened.



2012-04-01 01:10

reporter   ~0000677

Last edited: 2012-04-01 01:18

I have been having huge problems with this myself. It seems more likely to happen with large (5min or longer) samples, or whenever I am doing rapid copy/paste work in the sample tab (ex: taking a drum break and splitting it up into individual samples). I find that I have to force myself to do operations slowly and deliberately to avoid triggering crashes.

Kind of a bummer, this never used to happen in older versions.
(win7/4gb ram)

edit: for what it's worth, this crash is highly repeatable for me even when the sample size in question is not abnormally high. using larger samples simply increases the frequency with which it occurs.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-04-01 11:44

administrator   ~0000678

Last edited: 2012-04-01 11:47

ilkae, can you please also try out the suggested modification in your settings file from the first comment above?

<i>Edit</i>: Also, do you have any other applications running that consume huge amounts of memory, so that less than a gig of RAM is available to OpenMPT?



2012-04-18 21:40

reporter   ~0000694

I added the lines to the .ini file, and while it did seem to reduce the frequency of the crashes, it did not stop them. I have plenty of RAM available to OpenMPT. Copy/pasting/editing sample data will cause this crash more often when working with larger samples, but it is not a prerequisite. Slicing up a 5-6 second long drum beat via copy/paste within the sample tab tends to cause a hard crash about 50% of the time for me. The quicker I try to perform these copy/new sample/paste operations, the more likely a hard crash becomes.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-04-18 21:47

administrator   ~0000695

ilkae, please use the latest test version located at if you are not doing so already. If it crashes, it should create a memory dump in %TEMP%\OpenMPT Crash Files. If you can reproduce a crash with that version, please zip that .dmp file and upload it here.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-05-02 14:10

administrator   ~0000703

Reminder sent to: ilkae, zebra

Please check my latest comment (232:695) regarding the sample editor crash issue.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-05-12 22:32

administrator   ~0000723

Last edited: 2012-05-12 22:35

"Good" news: I was finally able to reproduce this bug on another machine rather frequently and I have most likely found the cause for this crash.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-05-13 20:12

administrator   ~0000724

Ok, revision 1268 / OpenMPT should fix the issue. Please test it:

The problem with reproducing the problem was that if there is only one sample loaded into sample slot 1, the crash is not reproducable. There must be an unmodified sample slot before the one you modify so that the crash can happen.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2012-05-21 02:14

administrator   ~0000743

Marking as resolved because of lack of feedback and own tests seem to indicate that the problem is indeed fixed.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-03-08 01:35 zebra New Issue
2012-03-08 01:41 zebra Description Updated
2012-03-08 01:41 zebra Steps to Reproduce Updated
2012-03-08 01:41 zebra Additional Information Updated
2012-03-08 01:50 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000637
2012-03-25 03:17 jmkz Note Added: 0000675
2012-03-25 12:27 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000676
2012-03-25 12:32 Saga Musix Note Edited: 0000637
2012-04-01 01:10 ilkae Note Added: 0000677
2012-04-01 01:18 ilkae Note Edited: 0000677
2012-04-01 11:44 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000678
2012-04-01 11:47 Saga Musix Note Edited: 0000678
2012-04-18 21:40 ilkae Note Added: 0000694
2012-04-18 21:47 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000695
2012-05-02 14:10 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000703
2012-05-12 22:32 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000723
2012-05-12 22:35 Saga Musix Note Edited: 0000723
2012-05-12 22:35 Saga Musix Assigned To => Saga Musix
2012-05-12 22:35 Saga Musix Status new => assigned
2012-05-13 20:12 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000724
2012-05-13 20:13 Saga Musix Status assigned => feedback
2012-05-21 02:14 Saga Musix Note Added: 0000743
2012-05-21 02:14 Saga Musix Fixed in Version => OpenMPT (upgrade first)
2012-05-21 02:14 Saga Musix Target Version => OpenMPT (upgrade first)
2012-05-21 02:14 Saga Musix Status feedback => resolved
2012-05-21 02:14 Saga Musix Resolution open => fixed
2012-06-25 12:31 Saga Musix Relationship added has duplicate 0000266