View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001853OpenMPTPlugins / VSTpublic2024-12-28 23:02
Reportercs127 Assigned ToSaga Musix  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86 / x64OSWineOS Version9.22
Product VersionOpenMPT 1.32.00.* (current testing) 
Summary0001853: Low polyphony and hanging notes in VSTis

After playing an instrument plugin for long enough, old notes sometimes release when a new note plays, even if the old note is supposed to keep playing, making it difficult to play chords. There are also occasional hanging notes.

As far as I tested, the issue was introduced somewhere between r22596 and r22603, and is probably related to the changes that fixed 1587 or 1848.

I've attached a recording of my attempt to play an arpeggiated chord while the issue is occuring.

Steps To Reproduce
  • Load an instrument plugin
  • Play the instrument live for about a minute
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files (564,460 bytes)
Has the bug occurred in previous versions?
Tested code revision (in case you know it)r22603 - r22631


Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2024-12-28 23:02

administrator   ~0006285

Oops! Hopefully fixed in r22639.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-28 19:06 cs127 New Issue
2024-12-28 19:06 cs127 File Added:
2024-12-28 19:17 cs127 Platform x64 => x86 / x64
2024-12-28 22:58 Saga Musix Assigned To => Saga Musix
2024-12-28 22:58 Saga Musix Status new => assigned
2024-12-28 23:02 Saga Musix Note Added: 0006285
2024-12-28 23:02 Saga Musix Status assigned => resolved
2024-12-28 23:02 Saga Musix Resolution open => fixed