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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001851OpenMPTUser Interfacepublic2024-12-22 19:40
ReporterAlex TEHb Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS Version10
Summary0001851: "Transpose” function for selected (active) tracks in the WHOLE MODULE.

I would like to have Transpose function for selected (active) tracks in the WHOLE MODULE.
Sometimes you want to transpose one or more tracks in the whole module.
For example, all tracks except drums in a whole melody.

TagsNo tags attached.
Has the bug occurred in previous versions?
Tested code revision (in case you know it)


Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2024-12-22 14:12

administrator   ~0006275

Do you mean that you want to transpose the notes just temporarily, i.e. not modify the pattern data? Because otherwise, if you want to modify the pattern data, you can already achieve this with Find&Replace:

  • Note: Any
  • Find in the whole song
  • Only in channels: x to y (you might have to repeat this multiple times if drum channels are interspersed with melodic channels)
  • Replace with: Note: Transpose...
Alex TEHb

Alex TEHb

2024-12-22 14:28

reporter   ~0006278

Let's say there is a tune with 10 tracks. Each track is a separate instrument. 2 tracks are drums and 8 tracks are other instruments (bass, guitar, etc.).
You need to transpose all instruments except drums.

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2024-12-22 14:29

administrator   ~0006279

Yes, the suggested workflow can achieve exactly that. You run a Find&Replace for all channels but the drum channels. Am I missing something?

Alex TEHb

Alex TEHb

2024-12-22 14:49

reporter   ~0006282

Prior to this, I believed that you could only find/replace a single (one) instrument per swap. And I always specified a new tool with each change. And so, until I changed all necessary instruments.... It never occurred to me to leave the window with the instrument name empty....
Thank you.
Still need a detailed OMPT manual....

Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2024-12-22 15:00

administrator   ~0006283

Without doubt the OpenMPT manual is all but complete, but I think it would have been possible to find out how to do this (and also the Grow / Shrink pattens) request using what is already available in the manual, because both functionalities are described there. Find & Replace in particular is an extremely powerful tool, which can be used to do many things that people have requested as separate features, so maybe it would be good to add a list of "recipes" to the Find & Replace documentation to serve as examples what kind of things you can do with it.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-12-22 14:08 Alex TEHb New Issue
2024-12-22 14:12 Saga Musix Note Added: 0006275
2024-12-22 14:28 Alex TEHb Note Added: 0006278
2024-12-22 14:29 Saga Musix Note Added: 0006279
2024-12-22 14:49 Alex TEHb Note Added: 0006282
2024-12-22 15:00 Saga Musix Note Added: 0006283
2024-12-22 19:40 Saga Musix Status new => closed
2024-12-22 19:40 Saga Musix Resolution open => no change required