View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001543OpenMPTFile Format Supportpublic2024-05-25 22:53
ReporterLachesis Assigned ToSaga Musix  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target VersionOpenMPT 1.32 / libopenmpt 0.8 (goals)Fixed in VersionOpenMPT 1.32 / libopenmpt 0.8 (goals) 
Summary0001543: ULT persistent tone portamento is not persistent.

OpenMPT tries to unroll Ultra Tracker tone portamento instead of properly implementing it as a persistent effect. This goes about as badly as you'd expect when the portamento is expected to carry between patterns.

Steps To Reproduce

Play porta.ult (attached) in OpenMPT. The tone portamento will not play correctly as it is supposed to carry between patterns.

Additional Information

Some actual modules that rely on this:

  • consolidation.ult carries tone portamento between orders 23 and 24 (channel 6).
  • the earth's last defender theme.ult carries tone portamento between orders 9 and 10. This module also relies on Ultra Tracker sample "finetune", which bafflingly seems to be added directly to the GUS frequency AFTER all note/octave calculations, but I don't think I ever got around to properly diagnosing it.

The relevant MikMod issue where this originally came up.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files (7,845 bytes)
Has the bug occurred in previous versions?
Tested code revision (in case you know it)


related to 0001773 resolvedSaga Musix Better support for some auto slide commands 


Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2024-05-25 22:53

administrator   ~0005956

Automatic portamento was implemented in r20850, with further ULT-specific fixes up to r20853.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-01-09 03:07 Lachesis New Issue
2022-01-09 03:07 Lachesis File Added:
2024-04-09 17:04 Saga Musix Relationship added related to 0001773
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Assigned To => Saga Musix
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Status new => assigned
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Status assigned => resolved
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Resolution open => fixed
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Fixed in Version => OpenMPT 1.32 / libopenmpt 0.8 (goals)
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Target Version => OpenMPT 1.32 / libopenmpt 0.8 (goals)
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Additional Information Updated
2024-05-25 22:53 Saga Musix Note Added: 0005956