View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001439OpenMPTGeneralpublic2025-03-17 10:32
Reportersqrmax Assigned ToSaga Musix  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS VersionXP
Product VersionOpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.4.11 (upgrade first) 
Target VersionOpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.8.0 (upcoming stable)Fixed in VersionOpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.8.0 (upcoming stable) 
Summary0001439: Stream export --- sticky normalize output checkbox

The stream export dialog checkbox controlling whether the output is normalized could remember its state from the previous export.

TagsNo tags attached.
Has the bug occurred in previous versions?
Tested code revision (in case you know it)


related to 0001761 resolvedSaga Musix Clear Plugin Buffers should be ticked by default instead of the other way around 


Saga Musix

Saga Musix

2024-10-26 23:49

administrator   ~0006151

This settings is now persisted in r21996.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-02 12:34 sqrmax New Issue
2024-04-09 17:03 Saga Musix Relationship added related to 0001761
2024-10-26 23:49 Saga Musix Status new => resolved
2024-10-26 23:49 Saga Musix Resolution open => fixed
2024-10-26 23:49 Saga Musix Fixed in Version => OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.8.0 (upcoming stable)
2024-10-26 23:49 Saga Musix Target Version => OpenMPT / libopenmpt 0.8.0 (upcoming stable)
2024-10-26 23:49 Saga Musix Note Added: 0006151
2024-10-26 23:49 Saga Musix Assigned To => Saga Musix