Thanks for the quick response! Looks like everything's in place here. Here's the pkg-config output:
$ pkg-config --exists portaudio-2.0 ; echo $?
$ pkg-config --modversion portaudio-2.0
$ pkg-config --list-all | sort
accounts-qt5 libaccounts-qt5 - Accounts Library
adwaita-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme - A collection of icons used as the basis for GNOME themes
akai akai - C++ library for accessing AKAI disk images
allegro-5 allegro - Allegro game programming library
allegro_acodec-5 allegro_acodec - Allegro game programming library, audio codec addon
allegro_audio-5 allegro_audio - Allegro game programming library, audio addon
allegro_color-5 allegro_color - Allegro game programming library, colors addon
allegro_dialog-5 allegro_dialog - Allegro game programming library, native dialog addon
allegro_font-5 allegro_font - Allegro game programming library, font addon
allegro_image-5 allegro_image - Allegro game programming library, image I/O addon
allegro_main-5 allegro_main - Allegro game programming library, magic main addon
allegro_memfile-5 allegro_memfile - Allegro game programming library, memory files addon
allegro_physfs-5 allegro_physfs - Allegro game programming library, PhysicsFS addon
allegro_primitives-5 allegro_primitives - Allegro game programming library, primitives addon
allegro_ttf-5 allegro_ttf - Allegro game programming library, TrueType fonts addon
allegro_video-5 allegro_video - Allegro game programming library, video player addon
alsa alsa - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) - Library
ao ao - ao is a cross-platform audio output library
aom aom - AV1 codec library v1.0.0.
appindicator-0.1 appindicator-0.1 - Application indicators
apr-1 APR - The Apache Portable Runtime library
apr-util-1 APR Utils - Companion library for APR
aribb24 ARIB B24 Library - ARIB B24 Captions decoder
arpack ARPACK-NG - Collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems
aspnetwebstack AspNetWebStack - References Microsoft ASP.NET Web Stack
atk Atk - Accessibility Toolkit
atk-bridge-2.0 atk-bridge-2.0 - ATK/D-Bus Bridge
atkmm-1.6 atkmm - C++ binding for the ATK accessibility toolkit
atomic_ops The atomic_ops library - Atomic memory update operations portable implementation
atril-document-1.5.0 Atril Document - MATE document viewer backend library
atril-view-1.5.0 Atril View - MATE document viewer view library
atspi-2 atspi - Accessibility Technology software library
aubio aubio - a library for audio labelling
audiofile audiofile - audiofile
audit libaudit - Libraries needed for apps that use the kernel audit framework
auparse libauparse - Library for apps that want to parse and interpret audit events
avahi-client avahi-client - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (Client Support)
avahi-compat-libdns_sd avahi-compat-libdns_sd - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (libdns_sd Compatibility)
avahi-core avahi-core - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (Embeddable Stack)
avahi-glib avahi-glib - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (GLib Support)
avahi-gobject avahi-gobject - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (GLib GObject Support)
avahi-qt4 avahi-qt4 - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (QT4 Support)
avahi-qt5 avahi-qt5 - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (QT5 Support)
avahi-sharp avahi-sharp - Mono bindings for the Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD stack
avahi-ui avahi-ui - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (Common GTK2 UI support)
avahi-ui-gtk3 avahi-ui - Avahi Multicast DNS Responder (Common GTK3 UI support)
avahi-ui-sharp avahi-ui-sharp - Mono bindings for the Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD stack
babl babl - Dynamic, any to any, pixel format conversion library
bash bash - Bash headers for bash loadable builtins
bash-completion bash-completion - programmable completion for the bash shell
bdw-gc Boehm-Demers-Weiser Conservative Garbage Collector - A garbage collector for C and C++
bigreqsproto bigreqsproto - bigreqsproto headers
blas BLAS - FORTRAN reference implementation of BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
blkid blkid - Block device id library
blockdev BlockDev - Library for doing low-level operations with block devices
blockdev-utils BlockDev-utils - A library with utility functions used by the libblockdev library
bluez BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux
bytesize ByteSize - Library for working with sizes in bytes
caca caca - Colour ASCII-Art library
cairo cairo - Multi-platform 2D graphics library
cairo-fc cairo-fc - Fontconfig font backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-ft cairo-ft - FreeType font backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-gobject cairo-gobject - gobject functions for cairo graphics library
cairomm-1.0 cairomm - C++ binding for the cairo graphics library
cairomm-ft-1.0 cairomm-ft - C++ wrapper for cairo - ft support
cairomm-pdf-1.0 cairomm-pdf - C++ wrapper for cairo - pdf support
cairomm-png-1.0 cairomm-png - C++ wrapper for cairo - png support
cairomm-ps-1.0 cairomm-ps - C++ wrapper for cairo - postscript support
cairomm-svg-1.0 cairomm-svg - C++ wrapper for cairo - svg support
cairomm-xlib-1.0 cairomm-xlib - C++ wrapper for cairo - xlib support
cairomm-xlib-xrender-1.0 cairomm-xlib-xrender - C++ wrapper for cairo - xlib-xrender support
cairo-pdf cairo-pdf - PDF surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-png cairo-png - PNG functions for cairo graphics library
cairo-ps cairo-ps - PostScript surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-script cairo-script - script surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-svg cairo-svg - SVG surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-tee cairo-tee - tee surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-xcb cairo-xcb - XCB surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-xcb-shm cairo-xcb-shm - XCB/SHM functions for cairo graphics library
cairo-xlib cairo-xlib - Xlib surface backend for cairo graphics library
cairo-xlib-xrender cairo-xlib-xrender - Xlib Xrender surface backend for cairo graphics library
capnp Cap'n Proto - Insanely fast serialization system
capnp-json Cap'n Proto JSON - JSON encoder and decoder for Cap'n Proto objects
capnp-rpc Cap'n Proto RPC - Fast object-oriented RPC system
cblas CBLAS - C Standard Interface to BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms
cecil Mono Internal -- Do not use. - Mono Internal Libraries -- Do not use
celt celt - CELT is a low-delay audio codec
colord colord - colord is a system daemon for managing color devices
colorhug colorhug - ColorHug is a simple display hardware colorimeter
com_err com_err - Common error description library
compositeproto compositeproto - compositeproto headers
d3d d3d - Native D3D driver modules
damageproto damageproto - damageproto headers
datrie-0.2 datrie - Double-array trie library
dbus-1 dbus - Free desktop message bus
dbus-c++-1 libdbus-c++ - Native C++ bindings for D-Bus
dbus-c++-glib-1 libdbus-c++-glib - Native C++ bindings for D-Bus (Glib Mainloop)
dbus-glib-1 dbus-glib - GLib integration for the free desktop message bus
dbusmenu-glib-0.4 libdbusmenu-glib - libdbusmenu-glib.
dbusmenu-gtk-0.4 libdbusmenu-gtk - libdbusmenu-gtk.
dbusmenu-qt5 libdbusmenu-qt5 - Qt implementation of dbusmenu spec
dbus-python dbus-python - Python bindings for D-Bus
dcerpc dcerpc - DCE/RPC client library
dcerpc_samr dcerpc_samr - DCE/RPC client library - SAMR
dcerpc_server dcerpc_server - DCE/RPC server library
dconf dconf - dconf client library
ddjvuapi ddjvuapi - DjVu Decoding API
devmapper devmapper - device-mapper library
devmapper-event devmapper-event - device-mapper event library
dmxproto dmxproto - dmxproto headers
dotnet35 Standard libraries in a .NET setup - References all the standard .NET libraries for compilation (.NET Framework 3.5 compatibility)
dotnet Standard libraries in a .NET setup - References all the standard .NET libraries for compilation
dri2proto dri2proto - dri2proto headers
dri3proto dri3proto - dri3proto headers
dri dri - Direct Rendering Infrastructure
dumb DUMB - DUMB is a module audio renderer library.
dvdnav libdvdnav - DVD Navigation library
dvdread libdvdread - Low level DVD access library
e2p e2p - Ext2fs userspace programs utility library
egl egl - Mesa EGL Library
eglexternalplatform EGL External Platform interface - EGL External Platform interface
enchant-2 libenchant - A spell checking library
epoxy epoxy - GL dispatch library
evieproto evieproto - evieproto headers
exiv2 exiv2 - Exif and IPTC metadata library and tools
exo-1 exo - Extension library for Xfce
exo-2 exo - Extension library for Xfce
expat expat - expat XML parser
ext2fs ext2fs - Ext2fs library
farstream-0.2 Farstream - Farstream base classes and utilities
fdisk fdisk - fdisk library
fdk-aac Fraunhofer FDK AAC Codec Library - AAC codec library
fftw3f FFTW - fast Fourier transform library
fftw3 FFTW - fast Fourier transform library
fftw3l FFTW - fast Fourier transform library
fishsound fishsound - Encode and decode Vorbis, Speex, FLAC audio
fixesproto fixesproto - fixesproto headers
flac FLAC - Free Lossless Audio Codec Library
flac++ FLAC++ - Free Lossless Audio Codec Library (C++ API)
fluidsynth FluidSynth - Software SoundFont synth
fontcacheproto fontcacheproto - fontcacheproto headers
fontconfig Fontconfig - Font configuration and customization library
fontenc fontenc - The fontenc Library
fontsproto fontsproto - fontsproto headers
fontutil FontUtil - Font utilities dirs
form formw - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
formw formw - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
freeglut glut - A freely licensed and improved alternative to the GLUT library
freetype2 FreeType 2 - A free, high-quality, and portable font engine.
fribidi GNU FriBidi - Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm Library
fuse3 fuse3 - Filesystem in Userspace
fuse fuse - Filesystem in Userspace
gail-3.0 Gail - GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library
gail Gail - GNOME Accessibility Implementation Library
gamin gamin - The gamin file monitoring system.
gapi-2.0 GAPI - GObject .NET API Wrapping Tool
garcon-1 garcon - Freedesktop.org compliant menu library
garcon-gtk2-1 garcon - Freedesktop.org compliant menu library
garcon-gtk3-1 garcon - Freedesktop.org compliant menu library
gbm gbm - Mesa gbm library
gck-1 gck-1 - GObject bindings for PKCS
gconf-2.0 gconf - GNOME Config System.
gcr-3 gcr-3 - GObject and GUI library for high level crypto parsing and display
gcr-base-3 gcr-base-3 - GObject library for high level crypto parsing
gcr-ui-3 gcr-ui-3 - GObject and GUI library for high level crypto parsing and display
gdk-2.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit (x11 target)
gdk-3.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit
gdk-broadway-3.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit
gdkmm-2.4 gdkmm - C++ binding for the GDK drawing kit
gdkmm-3.0 gdkmm - C++ binding for the GDK drawing kit
gdk-pixbuf-2.0 GdkPixbuf - Image loading and scaling
gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0 GdkPixbuf Xlib - GdkPixbuf rendering for Xlib
gdk-wayland-3.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit
gdk-x11-2.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit (x11 target)
gdk-x11-3.0 GDK - GTK+ Drawing Kit
gdlib gd - GD graphics library
geany Geany - A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK+
gegl-0.4 GEGL - Generic Graphics Library
gegl-sc-0.4 GEGL Seamless Cloning - Seamless Cloning Library Based on GEGL
geoclue-2.0 Geoclue - The Geoinformation Service
geocode-glib-1.0 geocode-glib - Helper library for geocoding services
geoip geoip - A non-DNS IP-to-country resolver library.
gexiv2 GExiv2 - GObject bindings for exiv2
giblib giblib - wrapper library for imlib2, and other stuff
gig gig - C++ library for accessing Gigasampler/GigaStudio, DLS, SoundFont and KORG sound files
gimp-2.0 GIMP - GIMP Library
gimpthumb-2.0 GIMP Thumb - GIMP Thumbnail Library
gimpui-2.0 GIMP UI - GIMP User Interface Library
gio-2.0 GIO - glib I/O library
giomm-2.4 giomm - C++ binding for gio
gio-unix-2.0 GIO unix specific APIs - unix specific headers for glib I/O library
glade-sharp-2.0 Glade - Glade
glesv1_cm glesv1_cm - Mesa OpenGL ES 1.1 CM library
glesv2 glesv2 - Mesa OpenGL ES 2.0 library
glew glew - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler library
glfw3 GLFW - A multi-platform library for OpenGL, window and input
gl gl - Mesa OpenGL Library
glib-2.0 GLib - C Utility Library
glibmm-2.4 glibmm - C++ wrapper for GLib
glib-sharp-2.0 GLib - GLib
glproto glproto - glproto headers
glu glu - Mesa OpenGL Utility library
gmodule-2.0 GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib
gmodule-export-2.0 GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib
gmodule-no-export-2.0 GModule - Dynamic module loader for GLib
gnome-icon-theme gnome-icon-theme - A collection of icons used as the basis for GNOME themes
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic gnome-icon-theme-symbolic - A collection of symbolic icons used as the basis for GNOME themes
gnutls GnuTLS - Transport Security Layer implementation for the GNU system
gobject-2.0 GObject - GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal Library
gpg-error gpg-error - GPG Runtime
graphene-1.0 Graphene - Math classes for graphic libraries
graphene-gobject-1.0 Graphene - Math classes for graphic libraries
GraphicsMagick++ GraphicsMagick++ - C++ API for GraphicsMagick image processing library
GraphicsMagick GraphicsMagick - GraphicsMagick image processing library
GraphicsMagickWand GraphicsMagickWand - GraphicsMagick Wand image processing library
graphite2 Graphite2 - Font rendering engine for Complex Scripts
gsettings-desktop-schemas gsettings-desktop-schemas - Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop, including helper headers
gsl GSL - GNU Scientific Library
gssdp-1.0 gssdp-1.0 - GObject-based SSDP library
gssrpc gssrpc - GSSAPI RPC implementation
gstreamer-1.0 GStreamer - Streaming media framework
gstreamer-allocators-1.0 GStreamer Allocators Library - Allocators implementation
gstreamer-app-1.0 GStreamer Application Library - Helper functions and base classes for application integration
gstreamer-audio-1.0 GStreamer Audio library - Audio helper functions and base classes
gstreamer-bad-audio-1.0 GStreamer bad audio library, uninstalled - Bad audio library for GStreamer elements, Not Installed
gstreamer-bad-video-1.0 GStreamer bad video library - Bad video library for GStreamer elements
gstreamer-base-1.0 GStreamer base classes - Base classes for GStreamer elements
gstreamer-check-1.0 GStreamer check unit testing - Unit testing helper library for GStreamer modules
gstreamer-codecparsers-1.0 GStreamer codec parsers - Bitstream parsers for GStreamer elements
gstreamer-controller-1.0 GStreamer controller - Dynamic parameter control for GStreamer elements
gstreamer-fft-1.0 GStreamer FFT Library - FFT implementation
gstreamer-gl-1.0 GStreamer OpenGL Plugins Libraries - Streaming media framework, OpenGL plugins libraries
gstreamer-insertbin-1.0 GStreamer Insert Bin - Bin to automatically and insertally link elements
gstreamer-mpegts-1.0 GStreamer MPEG-TS - GStreamer MPEG-TS support
gstreamer-net-1.0 GStreamer networking library - Network-enabled GStreamer plug-ins and clocking
gstreamer-pbutils-1.0 GStreamer Base Utils Library - General utility functions
gstreamer-player-1.0 GStreamer Player - GStreamer Player convenience library
gstreamer-plugins-bad-1.0 GStreamer Bad Plugin libraries - Streaming media framework, bad plugins libraries
gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0 GStreamer Base Plugins Libraries - Streaming media framework, base plugins libraries
gstreamer-riff-1.0 GStreamer RIFF Library - RIFF helper functions
gstreamer-rtp-1.0 GStreamer RTP Library - RTP base classes and helper functions
gstreamer-rtsp-1.0 GStreamer RTSP Library - RTSP base classes and helper functions
gstreamer-sdp-1.0 GStreamer SDP Library - SDP helper functions
gstreamer-tag-1.0 GStreamer Tag Library - Tag base classes and helper functions
gstreamer-video-1.0 GStreamer Video Library - Video base classes and helper functions
gstreamer-webrtc-1.0 GStreamer WebRTC - GStreamer WebRTC support
gthread-2.0 GThread - Thread support for GLib
gtk+-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (x11 target)
gtk+-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library
gtk+-broadway-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library
gtk-dotnet-2.0 Gtk.DotNet - .NET Extensions for Gtk
gtkmm-2.4 gtkmm - C++ binding for the GTK+ toolkit
gtkmm-3.0 gtkmm - C++ binding for the GTK+ toolkit
gtk-sharp-2.0 Gtk - Gtk
gtksourceview-2.0 gtksourceview - GTK+ 2.0 Source Editing Widget
gtksourceview-3.0 gtksourceview - Source code editing widget
gtkspell-2.0 GTKSpell - GTK spelling library
gtk+-unix-print-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support
gtk+-unix-print-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Unix print support
gtk+-wayland-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library
gtk+-x11-2.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library (x11 target)
gtk+-x11-3.0 GTK+ - GTK+ Graphical UI Library
gts GTS - GNU Triangulated Surface Library
gucharmap-2.90 gucharmap - GTK+ Unicode Character Map
gudev-1.0 gudev-1.0 - GObject bindings for libudev
guile-1.8 GNU Guile - GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
guile-2.0 GNU Guile - GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
guile-2.2 GNU Guile - GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
gupnp-1.0 gupnp-1.0 - GObject-based UPnP library
gupnp-igd-1.0 gupnp-igd-1.0 - GUPnP Simple IGD library
gusb gusb - GUsb is a GLib binding for libusb1
haisrt srt - SRT library set
harfbuzz-gobject harfbuzz - HarfBuzz text shaping library GObject integration
harfbuzz harfbuzz - HarfBuzz text shaping library
harfbuzz-icu harfbuzz - HarfBuzz text shaping library ICU integration
harfbuzz-subset harfbuzz - HarfBuzz font subsetter
hdf5-1.10.4 hdf5 - HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) Software Library
hdf5_cpp-1.10.4 hdf5_cpp - HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) Software Library
hdf5_hl-1.10.4 hdf5_hl - HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) Software Library
hdf5_hl_cpp-1.10.4 hdf5_hl_cpp - HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format 5) Software Library
hexchat-plugin HexChat plugins - Header and path for HexChat plugins
hidapi-hidraw hidapi-hidraw - C Library for USB/Bluetooth HID device access from Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows. This is the hidraw implementation.
hidapi-libusb hidapi-libusb - C Library for USB HID device access from Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and Windows. This is the libusb implementation.
hogweed Hogweed - Nettle low-level cryptographic library (public-key algorithms)
hunspell hunspell - Hunspell spellchecking library
hwinfo hwinfo - Hardware Detection Library
hwloc hwloc - Hardware locality detection and management library
ibus-1.0 IBus - IBus Library
ice ICE - X Inter Client Exchange Library
icu-i18n icu-i18n - International Components for Unicode: Internationalization library
icu-io icu-io - International Components for Unicode: Stream and I/O Library
icu-uc icu-uc - International Components for Unicode: Common and Data libraries
id3tag ID3TAG - libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
ijs ijs - IJS (InkJet Server) Raster Image Transport Protocol
IlmBase IlmBase - Base math and exception libraries
ImageMagick-7.Q16HDRI ImageMagick - ImageMagick - convert, edit, and compose images (ABI Q16HDRI)
ImageMagick ImageMagick - ImageMagick - convert, edit, and compose images (ABI Q16HDRI)
imlib2 imlib2 - Powerful image loading and rendering library
indicator-0.4 libindicator - libindicator.
inputproto inputproto - inputproto headers
iso-codes iso-codes - ISO country, language, script and currency codes and translations
jack jack - the Jack Audio Connection Kit: a low-latency synchronous callback-based media server
jansson Jansson - Library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data
jasper JasPer - Image Processing/Coding Tool Kit with JPEG-2000 Support
javascriptcoregtk-4.0 JavaScriptCoreGTK+ - GTK+ version of the JavaScriptCore engine
json-c json-c - A JSON implementation in C
jsoncpp jsoncpp - A C++ library for interacting with JSON
json-glib-1.0 JSON-GLib - JSON Parser for GLib.
kadm-client kadm-client - Kerberos administration client library
kadm-server kadm-server - Kerberos administration server library
kbproto kbproto - kbproto headers
kdb kdb - Kerberos database access libraries
keybinder-3.0 keybinder-3.0 - Register global keyboard shortcuts
kj-async KJ Async Framework Library - Basic utility library called KJ (async part)
kj-http KJ HTTP Library - Basic utility library called KJ (HTTP part)
kj KJ Framework Library - Basic utility library called KJ
kj-test KJ Test Framework - Basic utility library called KJ (test part)
kpathsea kpathsea - Kpathsea filename lookup library
krb5-gssapi krb5-gssapi - Kerberos implementation of the GSSAPI
krb5 krb5 - An implementation of Kerberos network authentication
kyotocabinet Kyoto Cabinet - a straightforward implementation of DBM
lapack LAPACK - FORTRAN reference implementation of LAPACK Linear Algebra PACKage
lcms2 lcms2 - LCMS Color Management Library
ldb ldb - An LDAP-like embedded database
ldns ldns - Library for DNS programming
lensfun lensfun - A photographic lens database and access library
lg3dproto lg3dproto - lg3dproto headers
libaccounts-glib libaccounts-glib - A low-level library for managing accounts settings.
libacl libacl - A library for POSIX Access Control Lists
libalpm libalpm - Arch Linux package management library
libarchive libarchive - library that can create and read several streaming archive formats
libargon2 libargon2 - Development libraries for libargon2
libass libass - LibASS is an SSA/ASS subtitles rendering library
libassuan libassuan - IPC library for the GnuPG components
libasyncns libasyncns - Asynchronous Name Service
libatasmart libatasmart - ATA S.M.A.R.T. Reading and Parsing Library
libattr libattr - A library for filesystem extended attribute support
libavc1394 libavc1394 - AV/C protocol library for IEEE 1394.
libavcodec libavcodec - FFmpeg codec library
libavdevice libavdevice - FFmpeg device handling library
libavfilter libavfilter - FFmpeg audio/video filtering library
libavformat libavformat - FFmpeg container format library
libavutil libavutil - FFmpeg utility library
libbluray libbluray - library supporting Blu-ray playback
libbrotlicommon libbrotlicommon - Brotli common dictionary library
libbrotlidec libbrotlidec - Brotli decoder library
libbrotlienc libbrotlienc - Brotli encoder library
libbs2b libbs2b - Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP library
libbsd-ctor libbsd-ctor - Automatic constructor functions for libbsd
libbsd libbsd - Utility functions from BSD systems
libbsd-overlay libbsd - Utility functions from BSD systems (overlay)
libcanberra-gtk3 libcanberra-gtk3 - Gtk3 Event Sound API
libcanberra-gtk libcanberra-gtk - Gtk Event Sound API
libcanberra libcanberra - Event Sound API
libcap libcap - libcap
libcap-ng libcap-ng - An alternate posix capabilities library.
libcares c-ares - asynchronous DNS lookup library
libcddb libcddb - CDDB server access library
libcdio_cdda libcdio_cdda - CD paranoia CD-DA library from libcdio
libcdio++ libcdio++ - C++ OO Portable CD-ROM I/O library
libcdio libcdio - Portable CD-ROM I/O library
libcdio_paranoia libcdio_paranoia - CD paranoia library from libcdio
libcdr-0.1 libcdr-0.1 - Library for parsing the Corel Draw file format structure
libcdt libcdt - Container DataType library
libcerf libcerf - Complex error function library
libcgraph libcgraph - Graph library (file i/o, dot language parsing, graph, subgraph, node, edge, attribute, data structure manipulation)
libchromaprint chromaprint - Audio fingerprint library
libclamav libclamav - A GPL virus scanner
libconfig libconfig - C Configuration File Library
libconfig++ libconfig++ - C++ Configuration File Library
libconfuse confuse - configuration file parser library
libcroco-0.6 libcroco - a CSS2 Parsing and manipulation Library in C.
libcrypto OpenSSL-libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptography library
libcryptsetup cryptsetup - cryptsetup library
libcupsfilters libcupsfilters - Library for reading and writing cups filters
libcurl libcurl - Library to transfer files with ftp, http, etc.
libdaemon libdaemon - a lightweight C library that eases the writing of UNIX daemons
libdaxctl libdaxctl - Manage "Device DAX" devices
libdc1394-2 libdc1394 - 1394-based DC Control Library
libdca libdca - A decoding library for DTS Coherent Acoustics streams.
libde265 libde265 - H.265/HEVC video decoder.
libdrm_amdgpu libdrm_amdgpu - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services for amdgpu
libdrm_intel libdrm_intel - Userspace interface to intel kernel DRM services
libdrm libdrm - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services
libdrm_nouveau libdrm_nouveau - Userspace interface to nouveau kernel DRM services
libdrm_radeon libdrm_radeon - Userspace interface to kernel DRM services for radeon
libdts libdts - Backward compatibility place-holder for libdca.
libdvbpsi libdvbpsi - libdvbpsi is a simple library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables.
libdvbv5 libdvbv5 - DVBv5 utility library
libdv libdv - DV software codec
libdw libdw - elfutils library for DWARF data and ELF file or process inspection
libebml libebml - Library for parsing EBML data structures
libebur128 libebur128 - EBU R 128 standard for loudness normalisation
libedit libedit - command line editor library provides generic line editing, history, and tokenization functions.
libelf libelf - elfutils libelf library to read and write ELF files
libenet libenet - Low-latency UDP networking library supporting optional reliability
libevdev libevdev - Handler library for evdev events
libevent_core libevent_core - libevent_core
libevent_extra libevent_extra - libevent_extra
libevent libevent - libevent is an asynchronous notification event loop library
libevent_openssl libevent_openssl - libevent_openssl adds openssl-based TLS support to libevent
libevent_pthreads libevent_pthreads - libevent_pthreads adds pthreads-based threading support to libevent
libexif libexif - Library for easy access to EXIF data
libexslt libexslt - EXSLT Extension library
libffado libffado - FFADO
libffi libffi - Library supporting Foreign Function Interfaces
libfm-extra libfm-extra - A glib/gio-based lib used to develop file managers providing some file management utilities.
libfm-gtk libfm-gtk - A glib/gio-based lib used to develop file managers providing some file management utilities and related-widgets missing in gtk+/glib.
libfm libfm - A glib/gio-based lib used to develop file managers providing some file management utilities.
libfontembed libfontembed - Library for de/embedding fonts to pdf
libgadu libgadu - libgadu
libgdiplus libgdiplus - GDI+ implementation
libgeoclue-2.0 Geoclue Client Library - A convenience library to interact with Geoclue service
libglade-2.0 Libglade - a library for dynamically loading GLADE interface files
libglvnd libglvnd - Vendor-neutral OpenGL dispatch library vendor interface
libgme Game_Music_Emu - A video game emulation library for music.
libgvc libgvc - The GraphVizContext library
libgvpr libgvpr - The GVPR library
libgxps libgxps - XPS Documents library
libheif libheif - HEIF image codec.
libidn2 libidn2 - Library implementing IDNA2008 and TR46
libidn Libidn - IETF stringprep, nameprep, punycode, IDNA text processing.
libiec61883 libiec61883 - An isochronous streaming media library for IEEE 1394
libimobiledevice-1.0 libimobiledevice - A library to communicate with services running on Apple iOS devices.
libinput Libinput - Input device library
libip4tc libip4tc - iptables IPv4 ruleset ADT and kernel interface
libip6tc libip6tc - iptables IPv6 ruleset ADT and kernel interface
libipq libipq - Interface to the (old) ip_queue mechanism
libiptc libiptc - iptables v4/v6 ruleset ADT and kernel interface
libiso9660++ libiso9660++ - C++ OO ISO-9660 library of libcdio
libiso9660 libiso9660 - ISO-9660 library of libcdio
libjpeg libjpeg - A SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec that provides the libjpeg API
libkeyutils libkeyutils - keyutils library
libKF5Attica libKF5Attica - Qt library to access Open Collaboration Services
libkmod libkmod - Library to deal with kernel modules
libkms libkms - Library that abstracts away the different mm interfaces for kernel drivers
liblab_gamut liblab_gamut - data library for default color labeling
liblhasa liblhasa - LHA (de)compression library
liblightdm-gobject-1 liblightdm-gobject - LightDM client library
liblo liblo - A lightweight OSC server/client library
liblouis liblouis - a braille translator and back-translator
liblsmash liblsmash - Loyal to Spec of MPEG4, and Ad-hock Simple Hackwork
liblz4 lz4 - extremely fast lossless compression algorithm library
liblzma liblzma - General purpose data compression library
libmarkdown libmarkdown - C implementation of John Gruber's Markdown markup language
libmatroska libmatroska - Library for parsing EBML data structures
libmaxminddb libmaxminddb - C library for the MaxMind DB file format
libmenu-cache libmenu-cache - Cache for freedesktop.org menu spec
libmikmod libmikmod - Library for playing Module Files and for Sound Effects
libmms libmms - Library implementing the MMS protocol
libmng libmng - Loads PNG/MNG/JNG files
libmnl libmnl - Minimalistic Netlink communication library
libmodplug libmodplug - The ModPlug mod file playing library.
libmpdclient libmpdclient - Music Player Daemon client library
libmpeg2convert libmpeg2convert - Image conversion library helper for libmpeg2
libmpeg2 libmpeg2 - MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 stream decoding library
libmpg123 libmpg123 - An optimised MPEG Audio decoder
libmspack libmspack - Compressors and decompressors for Microsoft formats
libmypaint-1.3 libmypaint - MyPaint's brushstroke rendering library (1.3.0)
libmypaint-gegl-1.3 libmypaint - MyPaint brush engine library, with GEGL integration.
libndctl libndctl - Manage "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
libnetfilter_conntrack libnetfilter_conntrack - netfilter userspace conntrack access library
libnfnetlink libnfnetlink - Low-level netfilter netlink communication library
libnfs libnfs - libnfs is a client library for accessing NFS shares over a network.
libnftnl libnftnl - Netfilter nf_tables infrastructure library
libnghttp2 libnghttp2 - HTTP/2 C library
libnl-3.0 libnl - Convenience library for netlink sockets
libnl-cli-3.0 libnl-cli - Command Line Interface library for netlink sockets
libnl-genl-3.0 libnl-genl - Generic Netlink Library
libnl-idiag-3.0 libnl-idiag - Netlink Inet Diag Family Library
libnl-nf-3.0 libnl-nf - Netfilter Netlink Library
libnl-route-3.0 libnl-route - Netlink Routing Family Library
libnl-xfrm-3.0 libnl-xfrm - Netlink Routing Family Library
libnm-glib libnm-glib - Convenience library for clients of NetworkManager
libnm-glib-vpn libnm-glib-vpn - Convenience library for NetworkManager VPN plugins
libnm libnm - Convenience library for clients of NetworkManager
libnm-util libnm-util - Convenience library for clients of NetworkManager
libnotify libnotify - Notifications Library
libnsl libnsl - Library containing NIS functions using TI-RPC (IPv6 enabled)
libntfs-3g libntfs-3g - NTFS-3G Read/Write Driver Library
libobs libobs - OBS Studio Library
libofa libofa - The Open Fingerprint Architecture Library
libomxil-bellagio libomxil - OpenMAX Integration Layer library
libopenjp2 openjp2 - JPEG2000 library (Part 1 and 2)
libopenmpt libopenmpt - Tracker module player based on OpenMPT
libout123 libout123 - A streaming audio output API derived from mpg123
libparted libparted - The GNU Parted disk partitioning shared library
libpathplan libpathplan - Library for planning polyline and bezier paths around polygon obstacles
libpcap libpcap - Platform-independent network traffic capture library
libpci libpci - libpci
libpcre16 libpcre16 - PCRE - Perl compatible regular expressions C library with 16 bit character support
libpcre2-16 libpcre2-16 - PCRE2 - Perl compatible regular expressions C library (2nd API) with 16 bit character support
libpcre2-32 libpcre2-32 - PCRE2 - Perl compatible regular expressions C library (2nd API) with 32 bit character support
libpcre2-8 libpcre2-8 - PCRE2 - Perl compatible regular expressions C library (2nd API) with 8 bit character support
libpcre2-posix libpcre2-posix - Posix compatible interface to libpcre2-8
libpcre32 libpcre32 - PCRE - Perl compatible regular expressions C library with 32 bit character support
libpcrecpp libpcrecpp - PCRECPP - C++ wrapper for PCRE
libpcre libpcre - PCRE - Perl compatible regular expressions C library with 8 bit character support
libpcreposix libpcreposix - PCREPosix - Posix compatible interface to libpcre
libpinyin libpinyin - Library to deal with pinyin
libpipeline libpipeline - Pipeline manipulation library
libpkgconf libpkgconf - a library for accessing and manipulating development framework configuration
libplacebo libplacebo - Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering
libplist libplist - A library to handle Apple Property Lists whereas they are binary or XML
libplist++ libplist++ - C++ binding for libplist
libpng16 libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
libpng libpng - Loads and saves PNG files
libpostproc libpostproc - FFmpeg postprocessing library
libprocps libprocps - Library to control and query process state
libprotobuf-c libprotobuf-c - Protocol Buffers C library
libproxy-1.0 libproxy-1.0 - Proxy Configuration Library
libpsl libpsl - Public Suffix List C library.
libpulse libpulse - PulseAudio Client Interface
libpulse-mainloop-glib libpulse-mainloop-glib - PulseAudio GLib 2.0 Main Loop Wrapper
libpulse-simple libpulse-simple - PulseAudio Simplified Synchronous Client Interface
libqpdf libqpdf - PDF transformation library
libraw1394 libraw1394 - Interface library for the Linux IEEE1394 drivers.
libraw libraw - Raw image decoder library (non-thread-safe)
libraw_r libraw - Raw image decoder library (thread-safe)
librevenge-0.0 librevenge-0.0 - API library for generic document converters
librevenge-generators-0.0 librevenge-generators-0.0 - Input generators implementation for librevenge
librevenge-stream-0.0 librevenge-stream-0.0 - Sample Input stream implementation for librevenge
librsvg-2.0 librsvg - library that renders svg files
librtmp librtmp - RTMP implementation
libsasl2 Cyrus SASL - Cyrus SASL implementation
libseccomp libseccomp - The enhanced seccomp library
libsecret-1 libsecret-1 - GObject bindings for Secret Service API
libsecret-unstable libsecret-unstable - GObject bindings for Secret Service API (Unstable)
libsidplayfp libsidplayfp - C64 cycle exact stereo sidplayer library.
libsignon-qt5 libsignon-qt5 - Client library for the Single Sign On daemon, Qt5 bindings.
libsodium libsodium - A modern and easy-to-use crypto library
libsoup-2.4 libsoup - A glib-based HTTP library
libsoup-gnome-2.4 libsoup - A glib-based HTTP library
libspectre libspectre - libgs wrapper library
libspectrum libspectrum - libspectrum is a library which is designed to make the input and output of ZX Spectrum emulator files slightly easier than it would be otherwise.
libspiro libspiro - A library for curve design. Clothoid to bezier conversion. A mechanism for drawing smooth contours with constant curvature at the spline joins.
libsrtp2 libsrtp2 - Library for SRTP (Secure Realtime Transport Protocol)
libssh2 libssh2 - Library for SSH-based communication
libssh libssh - The SSH Library
libssl OpenSSL-libssl - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries
libstartup-notification-1.0 libstartup-notification - Startup notification library
libstilview libstilview - STILview library.
libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring - Subversion GNOME Keyring Library
libsvn_auth_kwallet libsvn_auth_kwallet - Subversion KWallet Library
libsvn_client libsvn_client - Subversion Client Library
libsvn_delta libsvn_delta - Subversion Delta Library
libsvn_diff libsvn_diff - Subversion Diff Library
libsvn_fs_base libsvn_fs_base - Subversion Filesystem Base Library
libsvn_fs_fs libsvn_fs_fs - Subversion FSFS Repository Filesystem Library
libsvn_fs libsvn_fs - Subversion Repository Filesystem Library
libsvn_fs_util libsvn_fs_util - Subversion Filesystem Utility Library
libsvn_fs_x libsvn_fs_x - Subversion FSX Repository Filesystem Library
libsvn_ra libsvn_ra - Subversion General Repository Access Library
libsvn_ra_local libsvn_ra_local - Subversion Local Repository Access Library
libsvn_ra_serf libsvn_ra_serf - Subversion HTTP/WebDAV Protocol Repository Access Library
libsvn_ra_svn libsvn_ra_svn - Subversion SVN Protocol Repository Access Library
libsvn_repos libsvn_repos - Subversion Repository Library
libsvn_subr libsvn_subr - Subversion General Utility Library
libsvn_wc libsvn_wc - Subversion Working Copy Library
libswresample libswresample - FFmpeg audio resampling library
libswscale libswscale - FFmpeg image rescaling library
libsystemd systemd - systemd Library
libtasn1 libtasn1 - Library for ASN.1 and DER manipulation
libthai libthai - Thai support library
libtiff-4 libtiff - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library.
libtirpc libtirpc - Transport Independent RPC Library
libturbojpeg libturbojpeg - A SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec that provides the TurboJPEG API
libudev libudev - Library to access udev device information
libudf libudf - UDF library of libcdio
libunwind-coredump libunwind-coredump - libunwind coredump library
libunwind-generic libunwind-generic - libunwind generic library
libunwind libunwind - libunwind base library
libunwind-ptrace libunwind-ptrace - libunwind ptrace library
libunwind-setjmp libunwind-setjmp - libunwind setjmp library
libupnp libupnp - Linux SDK for UPnP Devices
libusb-1.0 libusb-1.0 - C API for USB device access from Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, OpenBSD/NetBSD and Solaris userspace
libusbmuxd libusbmuxd - A library to communicate with the usbmux daemon
libutf8proc libutf8proc - UTF8 processing
libuv libuv - multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O.
libv4l1 libv4l1 - v4l1 compatibility library
libv4l2 libv4l2 - v4l2 device access library
libv4l2rds libv4l2rds - v4l2 RDS decode library
libv4lconvert libv4lconvert - v4l format conversion library
libva-drm libva-drm - Userspace Video Acceleration (VA) drm interface
libva-glx libva-glx - Userspace Video Acceleration (VA) glx interface
libva libva - Userspace Video Acceleration (VA) core interface
libva-wayland libva-wayland - Userspace Video Acceleration (VA) wayland interface
libva-x11 libva-x11 - Userspace Video Acceleration (VA) x11 interface
libvisual-0.4 libvisual - an audio visualisation abstraction library.
libvlc LibVLC control API - VLC media player external control library
libvoikko libvoikko - Library for language tools
libwacom libwacom - Wacom model feature query library
libwebpdecoder libwebpdecoder - Library for the WebP graphics format (decode only)
libwebpdemux libwebpdemux - Library for parsing the WebP graphics format container
libwebp libwebp - Library for the WebP graphics format
libwebpmux libwebpmux - Library for manipulating the WebP graphics format container
libwmf libwmf - A library for reading and converting Windows MetaFile vector graphics (WMF)
libwnck-1.0 libwnck - Window Navigator Construction Kit library
libwoff2common libwoff2common - Shared data used by libwoff2 and libwoff2dec libraries
libwoff2dec libwoff2dec - WOFF2 decoder library
libwoff2enc libwoff2enc - WOFF2 encoder library
libwpd-0.10 libwpd-0.10 - A library for reading and writing Corel WordPerfect(tm) documents
libxdg-basedir libxdg-basedir - An implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification
libxdot libxdot - Library for parsing graphs in xdot format
libxfce4kbd-private-2 libxfce4kbd-private - Private Xfce library for shared code between xfwm4 and xfce4-settings
libxfce4kbd-private-3 libxfce4kbd-private - Private Xfce library for shared code between xfwm4 and xfce4-settings
libxfce4panel-1.0 libxfce4panel - Library for the Xfce Panel
libxfce4panel-2.0 libxfce4panel - Library for the Xfce Panel
libxfce4ui-1 libxfce4ui - Widgets library for Xfce
libxfce4ui-2 libxfce4ui - Widgets library for Xfce
libxfce4util-1.0 libxfce4util - Utility library for the Xfce 4 desktop environment
libxfconf-0 xfconf - Configuration library for Xfce
libxklavier libxklavier - libxklavier library
libxml-2.0 libXML - libXML library version2.
libxml++-3.0 libxml++ - C++ wrapper for libxml
libxslt libxslt - XSLT library version 2.
libzhuyin libzhuyin - Library to deal with zhuyin
libzip libzip - library for handling zip archives
libzstd zstd - fast lossless compression algorithm library
lilv-0 Lilv - Simple C library for hosting LV2 plugins
lmdb liblmdb - Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
lqr-1 lqr-1 - LiquidRescale seam-carving library
lrdf liblrdf - liblrdf, a lightweight RDF library with extensions for LADSPA
lua52 Lua - An Extensible Extension Language
lua53 Lua - An Extensible Extension Language
lua Lua - An Extensible Extension Language
lv2 LV2 - An extensible audio plugin interface.
lvm2app lvm2app - lvm2 application library
lxappearance lxappearance - Tool used to customize look and feel of gtk+ applications.
lzo2 lzo2 - LZO - a real-time data compression library
mad MAD - libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
Magick++-7.Q16HDRI Magick++ - Magick++ - C++ API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16HDRI)
MagickCore-7.Q16HDRI MagickCore - MagickCore - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16HDRI)
MagickCore MagickCore - MagickCore - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16HDRI)
Magick++ Magick++ - Magick++ - C++ API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16HDRI)
MagickWand-7.Q16HDRI MagickWand - MagickWand - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16HDRI)
MagickWand MagickWand - MagickWand - C API for ImageMagick (ABI Q16HDRI)
menu menuw - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
menuw menuw - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
miniupnpc miniUPnPc - UPnP IGD client lightweight library
minizip minizip - Minizip zip file manipulation library
mit-krb5-gssapi mit-krb5-gssapi - Kerberos implementation of the GSSAPI
mit-krb5 mit-krb5 - An implementation of Kerberos network authentication
mjpegtools MJPEG-tools - Video-recording, -editing, -filtering and -encoding tools
mlt-framework mlt-framework - MLT multimedia framework
mlt++ mlt++ - C++ API for MLT multimedia framework
mm-glib mm-glib - Library to control and monitor the ModemManager
ModemManager ModemManager - Common headers provided by ModemManager
mono-2 Mono - Mono Runtime
mono-addins-gui Mono.Addins.Gui -
mono-addins Mono.Addins -
mono-addins-msbuild Mono.Addins.MSBuild -
mono-addins-setup Mono.Addins.Setup -
mono-cairo Mono.Cairo - Cairo bindings for Mono
monodoc Monodoc - Monodoc - Mono Documentation Tools
mono-lineeditor Mono.Terminal.LineEditor - Terminal text entry editor using System.Console.
mono Mono - Mono Runtime
mono-nunit Mono NUnit - Mono's version of NUnit
mono-options Mono.Options - Command Line Parsing Library
monosgen-2 Mono - Mono Runtime
mount mount - mount library
mozilla-nspr NSPR - The Netscape Portable Runtime
mozilla-nss NSS - Network Security Services
mozjs-52 SpiderMonkey 52.9.0 - The Mozilla library for JavaScript
mpfr mpfr - C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpv mpv - mpv media player client library
mtdev mtdev - Multitouch Protocol Translation Library
mypaint-brushes-1.0 mypaint-brushes - Brushes used by MyPaint and other software using libmypaint.
mythes mythes - MyThes spellchecking library
ncurses++ ncurses++w - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
ncurses ncursesw - ncurses 6.1 library
ncurses++w ncurses++w - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
ncursesw ncursesw - ncurses 6.1 library
ndr_krb5pac ndr-krb5pac - NDR marshallers for the KRB5 PAC formats
ndr_nbt ndr-nbt - NDR marshallers for nbt formats
ndr ndr - Network Data Representation Core Library
ndr_standard ndr-standard - NDR marshallers for the standard set of DCE/RPC interfaces
neon neon - HTTP/WebDAV client library
netapi Samba libnetapi - A library to control CIFS servers
nettle Nettle - Nettle low-level cryptographic library (symmetric algorithms)
NetworkManager NetworkManager - System for maintaining active network connection
nice libnice - ICE library
nspr NSPR - The Netscape Portable Runtime
nss NSS - Network Security Services
numa numa - NUMA policy library
obrender-3.5 ObRender - Openbox Render Library
obt-3.5 Obt - Openbox Toolkit Library
octave GNU Octave - C++ interface to GNU Octave underlying library.
octinterp GNU Octave - C++ interface to GNU Octave interpreter.
ogg ogg - ogg is a library for manipulating ogg bitstreams
oggz oggz - A library for reading and writing Ogg encapsulated data.
ompi-c Open MPI - Portable high-performance MPI implementation
ompi-cxx Open MPI - Portable high-performance MPI implementation
ompi-f77 Open MPI - Portable high-performance MPI implementation
ompi-f90 Open MPI - Portable high-performance MPI implementation
ompi Open MPI - Portable high-performance MPI implementation
openal OpenAL - OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API
opencore-amrnb OpenCORE AMR-NB - Adaptive Multi-Rate speech codec library
opencore-amrwb OpenCORE AMR-WB - Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband speech codec library
OpenEXR OpenEXR - OpenEXR image library
openssl OpenSSL - Secure Sockets Layer and cryptography libraries and tools
opusfile opusfile - High-level Opus decoding library
opus Opus - Opus IETF audio codec (floating-point, custom modes build)
opusurl opusurl - High-level Opus decoding library, URL support
orc-0.4 orc-0.4 - Library of Optimized Inner Loops Runtime Compiler
osmesa osmesa - Mesa Off-screen Rendering Library
p11-kit-1 p11-kit - Library and proxy module for properly loading and sharing PKCS
panel panelw - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
panelw panelw - ncurses 6.1 add-on library
pangocairo Pango Cairo - Cairo rendering support for Pango
pangoft2 Pango FT2 and Pango Fc - Freetype 2.0 and fontconfig font support for Pango
pangomm-1.4 pangomm - C++ binding for Pango
pango Pango - Internationalized text handling
pangoxft Pango Xft - Xft font support for Pango
pciaccess pciaccess - Library providing generic access to the PCI bus and devices.
phonon4qt5 Phonon4Qt5 - Phonon library needed to build applications
phonon Phonon - Phonon library needed to build applications
physfs PhysicsFS - PhysicsFS is a library to provide abstract access to various archives.
pidgin Pidgin - Pidgin is a GTK2-based instant messenger application.
pixman-1 Pixman - The pixman library (version 1)
polkit-agent-1 polkit-agent-1 - PolicyKit Authentication Agent API
polkit-gobject-1 polkit-gobject-1 - PolicyKit Authorization API
polkit-qt5-1 polkit-qt5-1 - Convenience library for using polkit with a Qt-styled API
polkit-qt5-agent-1 polkit-qt5-agent-1 - Convenience library for using polkit Agent with a Qt-styled API
polkit-qt5-core-1 polkit-qt5-core-1 - Convenience library for using polkit with a Qt-styled API, non-GUI classes
polkit-qt5-gui-1 polkit-qt5-gui-1 - Convenience library for using polkit with a Qt-styled API, GUI classes
poppler-cairo poppler-cairo - Cairo backend for Poppler PDF rendering library
poppler-cpp poppler-cpp - cpp backend for Poppler PDF rendering library
poppler-data poppler-data - Encoding files for use with poppler
poppler-glib poppler-glib - GLib wrapper for poppler
poppler poppler - PDF rendering library
poppler-qt5 poppler-qt5 - Qt5 bindings for poppler
poppler-splash poppler-splash - Splash backend for Poppler PDF rendering library
popt popt - popt library.
portaudio-2.0 PortAudio - Portable audio I/O
portaudiocpp PortAudioCpp - Portable audio I/O C++ bindings
portSMF portSMF - Portmedia Simple Midi File library
presentproto presentproto - presentproto headers
printproto printproto - printproto headers
protobuf-lite Protocol Buffers - Google's Data Interchange Format
protobuf Protocol Buffers - Google's Data Interchange Format
ptexenc ptexenc - Ptexenc pTeX encoding library
pugixml pugixml - Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support.
purple libpurple - libpurple is a GLib-based instant messenger library.
py3cairo Pycairo - Python 3 bindings for cairo
pycairo Pycairo - Python 2 bindings for cairo
pygobject-2.0 PyGObject - Python bindings for GObject
pygobject-3.0 PyGObject - Python bindings for GObject
pygtk-2.0 PyGTK - Python bindings for GTK+ and related libraries
pyldb-util pyldb-util - Python bindings for LDB
pytalloc-util pytalloc-util - Utility functions for using talloc objects with Python
python-2.7 Python - Python library
python2 Python - Python library
python-3.7m Python - Python library
python-3.7 Python - Python library
python3 Python - Python library
Qt3Support Qt3support - Qt3support Library
Qt5Concurrent Qt5 Concurrent - Qt Concurrent module
Qt5Core Qt5 Core - Qt Core module
Qt5DBus Qt5 DBus - Qt DBus module
Qt5Designer Qt5 Designer - Qt Designer module
Qt5Gui Qt5 Gui - Qt Gui module
Qt5Help Qt5 Help - Qt Help module
Qt5Location Qt5 Location - Qt Location module
Qt5Multimedia Qt5 Multimedia - Qt Multimedia module
Qt5MultimediaWidgets Qt5 MultimediaWidgets - Qt MultimediaWidgets module
Qt5Network Qt5 Network - Qt Network module
Qt5OpenGLExtensions Qt5 OpenGLExtensions - Qt OpenGLExtensions module
Qt5OpenGL Qt5 OpenGL - Qt OpenGL module
Qt5Positioning Qt5 Positioning - Qt Positioning module
Qt5PositioningQuick Qt5 PositioningQuick - Qt PositioningQuick module
Qt5PrintSupport Qt5 PrintSupport - Qt PrintSupport module
Qt5Qml Qt5 Qml - Qt Qml module
Qt5QuickControls2 Qt5 QuickControls2 - Qt QuickControls2 module
Qt5Quick Qt5 Quick - Qt Quick module
Qt5QuickTest Qt5 QuickTest - Qt QuickTest module
Qt5QuickWidgets Qt5 QuickWidgets - Qt QuickWidgets module
Qt5Script Qt5 Script - Qt Script module
Qt5ScriptTools Qt5 ScriptTools - Qt ScriptTools module
Qt5Sensors Qt5 Sensors - Qt Sensors module
Qt5Sql Qt5 Sql - Qt Sql module
Qt5Svg Qt5 Svg - Qt Svg module
Qt5Test Qt5 Test - Qt Unit Testing Library
Qt5TextToSpeech Qt5 TextToSpeech - Qt TextToSpeech module
Qt5UiTools Qt5 UiTools - Qt UiTools module
Qt5WebChannel Qt5 WebChannel - Qt WebChannel module
Qt5WebEngineCore Qt5 WebEngineCore - Qt WebEngineCore module
Qt5WebEngine Qt5 WebEngine - Qt WebEngine module
Qt5WebEngineWidgets Qt5 WebEngineWidgets - Qt WebEngineWidgets module
Qt5WebKit Qt5WebKit - Qt WebKit module
Qt5WebKitWidgets Qt5WebKitWidgets - Qt WebKitWidgets module
Qt5Widgets Qt5 Widgets - Qt Widgets module
Qt5X11Extras Qt5 X11Extras - Qt X11Extras module
Qt5XmlPatterns Qt5 XmlPatterns - Qt XmlPatterns module
Qt5Xml Qt5 Xml - Qt Xml module
QtCLucene Qtclucene - Qtclucene Library
QtCore Qtcore - Qtcore Library
QtDBus Qtdbus - Qt DBus module
QtDeclarative Qtdeclarative - Qtdeclarative Library
QtDesignerComponents Qtdesignercomponents - Qtdesignercomponents Library
QtDesigner Qtdesigner - Qtdesigner Library
QtGui Qtgui - Qtgui Library
QtHelp Qthelp - Qthelp Library
QtMultimedia Qtmultimedia - Qtmultimedia Library
QtNetwork Qtnetwork - Qtnetwork Library
QtOpenGL Qtopengl - Qtopengl Library
QtScript Qtscript - Qtscript Library
QtScriptTools Qtscripttools - Qtscripttools Library
QtSql Qtsql - Qtsql Library
QtSvg Qtsvg - Qtsvg Library
QtTest Qttest - Qt Unit Testing Library
QtUiTools Qtuitools - Qtuitools Library
QtXmlPatterns Qtxmlpatterns - Qtxmlpatterns Library
QtXml Qtxml - Qtxml Library
randrproto randrproto - randrproto headers
RapidJSON RapidJSON - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
raptor2 Raptor RDF Syntax Library - RDF Syntax Library
raqm Raqm - A library for complex text layout
re2 re2 - RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly regular expression engine.
reactive Reactive Extensions - Reactive Extensions
readline Readline - Gnu Readline library for command line editing
recordproto recordproto - recordproto headers
renderproto renderproto - renderproto headers
resourceproto resourceproto - resourceproto headers
rest-0.7 rest - RESTful web api query library
rest-extras-0.7 rest - RESTful web api query library
rtaudio librtaudio - RtAudio - a set of C++ classes that provide a common API for realtime audio input/output
rubberband rubberband -
samba-credentials samba-credentials - Credentials management
samba-hostconfig samba-hostconfig - Host-wide Samba configuration
samba-policy samba-policy - Active Directory Group Policy library
samba-util samba-util - Samba utility functions
samdb samdb - Sam Database
samplerate samplerate - An audio Sample Rate Conversion library
sbc SBC - SBC library
scrnsaverproto scrnsaverproto - scrnsaverproto headers
SDL2_image SDL2_image - image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL2_mixer SDL2_mixer - mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL2_net SDL2_net - net library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
sdl2 sdl2 - Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
SDL2_ttf SDL2_ttf - ttf library for Simple DirectMedia Layer with FreeType 2 support
SDL_image SDL_image - image loading library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL_mixer SDL_mixer - mixer library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL_net SDL_net - net library for Simple DirectMedia Layer
sdl sdl - Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, 3D hardware via OpenGL, and 2D video framebuffer.
SDL_ttf SDL_ttf - ttf library for Simple DirectMedia Layer with FreeType 2 support
serd-0 Serd - Lightweight RDF syntax library
serf-1 serf - HTTP client library
sfml-all SFML-all - The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, all modules.
sfml-audio SFML-audio - The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, audio module.
sfml-graphics SFML-graphics - The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, graphics module.
sfml-network SFML-network - The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, network module.
sfml-system SFML-system - The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, system module.
sfml-window SFML-window - The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, window module.
shared-mime-info shared-mime-info - Freedesktop common MIME database
shout Shout - Audio streaming library for icecast encoders
sigc++-2.0 libsigc++ - Typesafe signal and callback system for C++
signond signond-dev - SignOn Framework client library development package
SignOnExtension SignOnExtension - SignOn extension development
signon-oauth2plugin signon-oauth2plugin - Signon OAuth 2.0 plugin
signon-plugins-common signon-plugins-common - SignonPluginsCommon
signon-plugins signon-plugins - SignonPlugins
slang slang - S-Lang programming library and interpreter
smartcols smartcols - table or tree library
smbclient smbclient - A SMB library interface
sm SM - X Session Management Library
snappy snappy - A fast compression/decompression library
sndfile sndfile - A library for reading and writing audio files
sord-0 Sord - A lightweight C library for storing RDF statements in memory.
soundtouch SoundTouch - SoundTouch is an open-source audio processing library for changing the Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates of audio streams or files
soxr-lsr soxr-lsr - High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library (with libsamplerate-like bindings)
soxr soxr - High quality, one-dimensional sample-rate conversion library
sox SoX - Audio file format and effects library
spandsp spandsp - A DSP library for telephony.
speexdsp speexdsp - Speexdsp is a speech processing library that goes along with the Speex codec
speex speex - Speex is an audio codec tuned for speech
SPIRV-Tools-shared SPIRV-Tools - Tools for SPIR-V
SPIRV-Tools SPIRV-Tools - Tools for SPIR-V
sqlite3 SQLite - SQL database engine
sratom-0 Sratom - LV2 Atom RDF serialisation library
srt srt - SRT library set
ss ss - Subsystem command parsing library
suil-0 Suil - LV2 plugin UI hosting library
synctex synctex - SyncTeX parser library
systemd systemd - systemd System and Service Manager
system.web.extensions_1.0 System.Web.Extensions - System.Web.Extensions ASP.NET 2.0 add-on
system.web.extensions.design_1.0 System.Web.Extensions.Design - System.Web.Extensions.Design ASP.NET 2.0 add-on
system.web.mvc2 System.Web.Mvc2 - System.Web.Mvc - ASP.NET MVC v2
system.web.mvc3 System.Web.Mvc3 - System.Web.Mvc - ASP.NET MVC v3
system.web.mvc System.Web.Mvc - System.Web.Mvc - ASP.NET MVC
taglib_c TagLib C Bindings - Audio meta-data library (C bindings)
taglib TagLib - Audio meta-data library
talloc talloc - A hierarchical pool based memory system with destructors
tcl Tool Command Language - Tcl is a powerful, easy-to-learn dynamic programming language, suitable for a wide range of uses.
tdb tdb - A trivial database
tevent tevent - An event system library
texlua52 Lua for LuaTeX - Lua 5.2, modified for use with LuaTeX
texlua53 Lua for LuaTeX - Lua 5.3, modified for use with LuaTeX
texluajit LuaJIT for LuaJITTeX - LuaJIT, modified for use with LuaJITTeX
theoradec theora - Theora video codec (decoder)
theoraenc theora - Theora video codec (encoder)
theora theora - Theora video codec
thunarx-3 thunarx - A library to create Thunar extensions
tic ncursesw - ncurses 6.1 library
tinfo ncursesw - ncurses 6.1 library
tk The Tk Toolkit - Tk is a cross-platform graphical user interface toolkit, the standard GUI not only for Tcl, but for many other dynamic languages as well.
trapproto trapproto - trapproto headers
tslib tslib - Touchscreen Access Library
tumbler-1 tumbler - Supporting library for tumbler
twolame twolame - An optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder
uade UADE (Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator) - A music player for Amiga music formats
uchardet uchardet - An encoding detector library ported from Mozilla
udev udev - udev
udisks2 UDisks Library - UDisks Client Library
upower-glib upower-glib - UPower is a system daemon for managing power devices
uuid uuid - Universally unique id library
valgrind Valgrind - A dynamic binary instrumentation framework
vamp-hostsdk vamp-hostsdk - Development library for Vamp audio analysis plugin hosts
vamp-sdk vamp-sdk - Development library for Vamp audio analysis plugins
vamp vamp - An API for audio analysis and feature extraction plugins
vdpau VDPAU - The Video Decode and Presentation API for UNIX
videoproto videoproto - videoproto headers
vidstab vidstab - Vid.Stab, a library for stabilizing video clips
vlc-plugin VLC plugin API - VLC media player plugin interface
vorbisenc vorbisenc - vorbisenc is a library that provides a convenient API for setting up an encoding environment using libvorbis
vorbisfile vorbisfile - vorbisfile is a library that provides a convenient high-level API for decoding and basic manipulation of all Vorbis I audio streams
vorbis vorbis - vorbis is the primary Ogg Vorbis library
vpx vpx - WebM Project VPx codec implementation
vte-2.91 vte - Vte terminal widget.
vulkan Vulkan-Loader - Vulkan Loader
wavpack wavpack - wavpack library
wayland-client Wayland Client - Wayland client side library
wayland-cursor Wayland Cursor - Wayland cursor helper library
wayland-egl-backend wayland-egl-backend - Backend wayland-egl interface
wayland-eglstream-protocols wayland-eglstream-protocols - Nvidia Wayland EGLStream XML protocol files
wayland-eglstream wayland-eglstream - Nvidia Wayland EGLStream compositor helper libraries
wayland-egl wayland-egl - Frontend wayland-egl library
wayland-protocols Wayland Protocols - Wayland protocol files
wayland-scanner Wayland Scanner - Wayland scanner
wayland-server Wayland Server - Server side implementation of the Wayland protocol
wbclient wbclient - Winbind client
wcf WCF - References WCF for compilation
webkit2gtk-4.0 WebKitGTK+ - Web content engine for GTK+
webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0 WebKitGTK+ Web process extensions - Web content engine for GTK+ - Web process extensions
webrtc-audio-processing webrtc-audio-processing - WebRTC Audio Processing library
wildmidi WildMIDI - software synthesizer library
wireshark Wireshark - Network Packet Dissection Library
x11 X11 - X Library
x11-xcb X11 XCB - X Library XCB interface
x264 x264 - H.264 (MPEG4 AVC) encoder library
x265 x265 - H.265/HEVC video encoder
xatracker xatracker - Xorg gallium3D acceleration library
xau Xau - X authorization file management libary
xaw6 Xaw - X Athena Widgets Library, version 6
xaw7 Xaw - X Athena Widgets Library, version 7
xbitmaps X bitmaps - Bitmaps that are shared between X applications
xbuild12 XBuild 12.0 - XBuild/MSBuild 12.0
xcalibrateproto xcalibrateproto - xcalibrateproto headers
xcb-atom XCB Atom library - XCB atom cache
xcb-aux XCB Aux library - XCB convenient functions
xcb-composite XCB Composite - XCB Composite Extension
xcb-cursor XCB cursor library - XCB cursor utility library
xcb-damage XCB Damage - XCB Damage Extension
xcb-dpms XCB DPMS - XCB DPMS Extension
xcb-dri2 XCB DRI2 - XCB DRI2 Extension
xcb-dri3 XCB DRI3 - XCB DRI3 Extension
xcb-event XCB Event library - XCB event callback interface
xcb-ewmh XCB EWMH library - XCB EWMH binding
xcb-glx XCB GLX - XCB GLX Extension
xcb-icccm XCB ICCCM library - XCB ICCCM binding
xcb-image XCB Image library - XCB image convenience library
xcb-keysyms XCB Keysyms library - XCB Keysyms
xcb-present XCB Present - XCB Present Extension
xcb-proto XCB Proto - X protocol descriptions for XCB
xcb-randr XCB RandR - XCB RandR Extension
xcb-record XCB Record - XCB Record Extension
xcb-renderutil XCB RenderUtil library - XCB RENDER-extension utilities library
xcb-render XCB Render - XCB Render Extension
xcb-res XCB Res - XCB X-Resource Extension
xcb-screensaver XCB Screensaver - XCB Screensaver Extension
xcb-shape XCB Shape - XCB Shape Extension
xcb-shm XCB Shm - XCB Shm Extension
xcb-sync XCB Sync - XCB Sync Extension
xcb-util XCB Util Core library - XCB util core interface
xcb XCB - X-protocol C Binding
xcb-xf86dri XCB XFree86-DRI - XCB XFree86-DRI Extension
xcb-xfixes XCB XFixes - XCB XFixes Extension
xcb-xinerama XCB Xinerama - XCB Xinerama Extension
xcb-xinput XCB XInput - XCB XInput Extension (EXPERIMENTAL)
xcb-xkb XCB XKB - XCB Keyboard Extension (EXPERIMENTAL)
xcb-xrm XCB XRM library - XCB X resource manager utility functions
xcb-xtest XCB XTEST - XCB XTEST Extension
xcb-xvmc XCB XvMC - XCB XvMC Extension
xcb-xv XCB Xv - XCB Xv Extension
xcmiscproto xcmiscproto - xcmiscproto headers
xcomposite Xcomposite - X Composite Extension Library
xcursor Xcursor - X Cursor Library
xdamage Xdamage - X Damage Library
xdmcp Xdmcp - X Display Manager Control Protocol library
xextproto xextproto - xextproto headers
xext Xext - Misc X Extension Library
xf86bigfontproto xf86bigfontproto - xf86bigfontproto headers
xf86dgaproto xf86dgaproto - xf86dgaproto headers
xf86driproto xf86driproto - xf86driproto headers
xf86miscproto xf86miscproto - xf86miscproto headers
xf86rushproto xf86rushproto - xf86rushproto headers
xf86vidmodeproto xf86vidmodeproto - xf86vidmodeproto headers
xfixes Xfixes - X Fixes Library
xfont2 Xfont2 - X font Library version 2
xft Xft - X FreeType library
xineramaproto xineramaproto - xineramaproto headers
xinerama Xinerama - The Xinerama Library
xi Xi - X Input Extension Library
xkbcommon-x11 xkbcommon-x11 - XKB API common to servers and clients - X11 support
xkbcommon xkbcommon - XKB API common to servers and clients
xkbcomp xkbcomp - XKB keymap compiler
xkbfile xkbfile - The xkbfile Library
xkeyboard-config XKeyboardConfig - X Keyboard configuration data
xmuu Xmuu - Mini Xmu Library
xmu Xmu - Xmu Library
xorg-libinput xorg-libinput - X.Org libinput input driver.
xpm Xpm - X Pixmap Library
xproto xproto - xproto headers
xproxymngproto xproxymngproto - xproxymngproto headers
xrandr Xrandr - X RandR Library
xrender Xrender - X Render Library
xres XRes - X Resource Information Extension Library
xscrnsaver XScrnSaver - The XScrnSaver Library
xshmfence xshmfence - The X Shared Memory Fence Library
xtables xtables - Shared Xtables code for extensions and iproute2
xtst Xtst - The Xtst Library
xt Xt - X Toolkit Library
xv Xv - The Xv Library
xxf86dga Xxf86dga - XFree86 Direct Graphics Access Extension Library
xxf86vm Xxf86vm - XFree86 Video Mode Extension Library
yajl Yet Another JSON Library - A Portable JSON parsing and serialization library in ANSI C
yaml-0.1 LibYAML - Library to parse and emit YAML
zlib zlib - zlib compression library
zvbi-0.2 ZVBI - VBI Capturing and Decoding Library
zzipfseeko zzipfseeko - ZZipLib - libZ-based ZIP-access Library with an Easy-to-Use API
zziplib zziplib - ZZipLib - libZ-based ZIP-access Library with an Easy-to-Use API
zzipmmapped zzipmmapped - ZZipLib - libZ-based ZIP-access Library with an Easy-to-Use API
zzipwrap zzipwrap - Callback Wrappers for ZZipLib
zzip-zlib-config zzip-zlib-config - ZLib Config (for ZZipLib) |